7 Ways to Respect the Mountains

Father and daughter picking up trash on a mountain
hike it baby


We’re always looking for opportunities to partner with organizations doing important work in the world. We signed on with the UIAA (Union Internationale des Associations d’Alpinisme) Respect the Mountains (RtM) project recently to help preserve and protect mountain ecosystems globally. Founded in 1932, the UIAA represents the interests of climbers and mountaineers from more than 90 member associations on 6 continents.

The RtM project encourages the adoption of the 7 Ways to Respect the Mountains, which we think is a great way to keep the environmental impact of your outdoor adventures in check. These simple yet effective actions will help protect mountains everywhere, building a more sustainable future for outdoor adventure.

A person with a trash bag on the side of a mountain
The UIAA represents the interests of climbers and mountaineers from more than 90 member associations on 6 continents.

7 Ways to Respect the Mountains

    1. Book Smart

      Avoid peak season and choose less popular locations for reduced impact.

    1. Travel Wisely

      Choose environmentally-friendly modes of transportation whenever possible. Walk, bike, use public transportation, or carpool with other mountain-lovers to reach your destination.

    1. Support Sustainable Practices

      Support businesses and outfitters with a commitment to protecting the environment.

    1. Be Respectful

      Remember to be aware of the impact your tourism has on the local community. Treat the area as though it were your own backyard!

    1. Leave No Trace

      If you pack it in, remember to pack it out. Pick up trash left behind by others whenever possible and leave the mountains better than you found them.

    1. Reduce, Reuse, Recycle & Upcycle

      Make conscious buying decisions, frequent second-hand retailers, and share gear and resources to reduce the footprint of your outdoor adventures.

    1. Spread the Word

      Tell the world about your commitment to the 7 ways and let the movement grow!

A child and a woman cleaning trash off of a mountain
The Respect the Mountains initiative is a critical part of the UIAA’s longstanding commitment to mountain protection and sustainability. 

As an official RtM partner, Sunday Afternoons is offering hats for sale at events and tradeshows to raise funds for UIAA sustainability projects. Details on events taking place worldwide are available to view on the recently launched UIAA RtM calendar. Organizers of worldwide clean-up and educational events, particularly those run by UIAA member associations, are encouraged to register their initiative on the calendar. The platform helps climbers and mountaineers find mission-driven events and meet-ups taking place near them.

a child throwing away garbage on a grassy area
Sunday Afternoons is an official RtM partner. 

The Respect the Mountains initiative is a critical part of the UIAA’s longstanding commitment to mountain protection and sustainability. It aims to:

  • Raise awareness about sustainable environmental and socio-cultural practices;
  • Set an example and spread the word within the outdoor community;
  • Preserve mountain ecosystems and cultures in their natural state for future generations;
  • Promote sustainable mountain recreation, sports, and related tourism activities;
  • Educate the next generation of mountain explorers and empower them to be effective, sustainable future mountaineers.

To learn more about UIAA and the RtM project, visit their website.

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