Virtual Patent Marking
Unless otherwise noted, the products, product names, designs, logos, text, images, and videos within this website are the trademarks, service marks, trade names, trade dress, copyrights, assets, and other property of Sunday Afternoons (collectively, “Intellectual Property”). Sunday Afternoons expects others to respect our rights in our Intellectual Property. Sunday Afternoons actively and regularly monitors the marketplace and enforces our rights in our Intellectual Property. Nothing contained herein should be construed as granting, by implication, estoppels, or otherwise, any license or rights to use any Sunday Afternoons Intellectual Property without its express written permission.
Sunday Afternoons owns the following trademarks, service marks and trade dress (non-exhaustive list) in the U.S. and in foreign countries. The registered symbol provides notice of registration in the U.S.
Adventure Hat®
Adult Trucker™ Protected by US Patent 10,932,512
Air Tripper™ Protected by US Patent D616,633
Beyond the Brim®
Brushline Bucket™ Protected by US Patent 10,932,512
Cape Lock®
Charter Breeze®
Charter Escape™ Protected by US Patent 10,932,512
Charter Hat®
Dial Sizing™ Protected by US pending patent
Don’t Forget Your Hat®
DoubleDown Crown™
Field Cap™ Protected by US Patent D837,491
FlipLock Brim™ Protected by US Patent 9,655,396
Forage Cap™ Protected by US Patents: D764,150; D787,786; D794,283; D837,491
Headwear with Anchor Points™ Protected by US Patent: 11,930,873
H-Channel™ Protected by US Patent 9,763,486 and US Patent 10,932,512
Kids’ Sun Tripper™ Protected by US Patent D616,633
Kids’ Ultra Adventure™ Protected by US Patent D827,990 and 10,098,398; and others: ZL2016301511502, 3090653, 1600792.6M001-M004, 1569893, 1569894, 1569895, 1569896, MX50999B
Latitude™ Protected by US Patent 10,098,398
Living Hinge Clasp™ Protected by US Patent 10,448,694 and US Patent 11,547,170
Natural Blend Cape Protected by JP Patent 1780455
Original Adventure Blanket®
Original Adventure Hat™
Play Hat®
Protect Your Neck®
Reverse Split Brim™ Protected by US Patent 10,098,398
River Guide™ Protected by US Patent 10,098,398
Shade Goddess™ Protected by US Patent D904,735
Storm Bucket® Protected by US Patent 5,834,616
StretchBack Sizing™ Protected by US Patent 10,932,512
Sundancer™ Protected by US Patent D594,185
Sunday Afternoons®
Sunglass Lock® Protected by US Patent 10,123,581 and 11,259,586
Sun Seeker™ Protected by US Patent D897,640
Sun Tripper™ Protected by US Patent D616,633
This Is My Sunday®
This Is My Sun Day®
Traveler™ Protected by US Patent D619,788
Ultra Adventure™ Protected by US Patent D827,990 and 10,098,398; and others: ZL2016301511502, 3090653, 1600792.6M001-M004, 1569893, 1569894, 1569895, 1569896, MX50999B
Ultra Adventure Storm™ Protected by US Patent D841,944, D912,945, and 10,098,398 and D954400; and others: ZL2017300107395
Ultra Storm Collection®
Vantage Point™ Protected by US Patent 10,932,512
Wind and Water™ Protected by US Patent 9,655,396